Questions about The Foundational Study of OSL: The Healing Miracles of Jesus
Quick Links:
The Healing Miracles of Jesus:
Teacher Application:
Why should I take the course online?
OSL’s Foundational Study: The Healing Miracles of Jesus online course is a 3-month weekly Bible Study of the accounts of Jesus healing in the Gospels that includes practical training in healing prayer ministry. The course has been updated so that it is more interactive and deeply personal to attendees. In addition, there are many more resources available, such as maps and diagrams, to help bring the Scriptures alive.
The Healing Miracles of Jesus is a prerequisite to becoming a Full OSL Member and for taking the Next Steps in Healing class. All are invited to take the course online, including OSL Members who would like to retake the updated course. It is recommended that individuals interested in teaching the course start by taking the online and updated class as a first step to become familiar with the new format and updated materials.
Where can I order the Workbook?
OSL has updated the Foundational Study: The Healing Miracles of Jesus, and the printed workbooks are no longer available. The newest edition of the curriculum is available from the teacher, week-by-week, which includes reflection and discussion questions. Participants in the class are encouraged to purchase a 3-ring binder and build their own Study Guide throughout the course. Each lesson, participants add the lessons and supplemental materials to their binder, which becomes a “living document” that is updated throughout the course.
Only Authorized Teachers will have access to the teaching materials, which make up the student binders, as well as other teacher-only material.
I’d like to teach the class
Individuals wishing to teach the Foundational Study: The Healing Miracles of Jesus course must be a Full Member of OSL, current in their annual dues, and have completed the Foundational Study recently. Interested individuals should submit a Teacher Application, which is followed by attending the Teacher Orientation if approved.
We highly recommend taking the online and updated The Healing Miracles of Jesus course as a first step in order to become familiar with the updated format and materials.
Quick Links:
The Healing Miracles of Jesus:
Teacher Application: